There's this recent furore over the use of different languages for road signs over here in Penang. I just don't see what all the blardy fuss is about.
For one thing, why can't the state government just maintain it at BM with an English translation for the tourists?
Why must be have so many different language road signs anyway?
I mean, when I go overseas, to say, Thailand, I don't see them going out of their way to include BM or even English in their road signs. It is all strange symbols to me. Only sometimes I'd see shop signboards with English on it.
And to think, Malaysians probably made up one of their largest number of tourists each year.
English is a universal language. So, add that in if you must but WTF do we need Chinese, Tamil, etc, etc, in the roadsigns? For what? Just to prove that your party is all for ALL the races? And in the process make us look like a joke?
Also the reaction from various fractions is really ridiculous. Here we are in an impending economy crisis and them leaders are crying foul over one state government's plan to place roadsigns in various languages.

I don't know about you but putting additional languages on a roadsign does not insult another language. The idea of it is stupid.
Hmm..look at the funny road names above. How do you translate those? Lemme try:
Cowshit Lane
Lorong Tahi Lembu
Gu Sai Lor (Hokkien)
Err...sorry, no tamil available, I've not taken that up yet.
Zzyzx Road
Jalan Zzyzx
Zzyzx Lor (Hokkien)
Okay. So, the conclusion is that we should name all our roads with strange unpronounceable alphabet combinations so that there is no need for translation because in the end, it'd be the same!
So, here's to:
Jalan Wtfwtt
Jalan Bsgvt
Jalan Shtbn
Jalan Wth
Easier, only problem is that people will forget how to spell the road names since they can't even pronounce it....heheheheh..