Some people are so stupid.
Okay, not only some people. A LOT of people are so stupid. And kiasu. And brainless. And obviously senseless. Not to mention moronic and idiotic.
The ever great Prime Minister announced an increase in petrol price yesterday so what do most people do?
They make a beeline to the petrol stations, causing massive jams everywhere.
Me, I just want to get home early but no thanks to all those idiots clamouring to pump petrol at the RM1.92 rate, I got stuck for two hours in traffic to travel a short distance from my son's babysitter's house to my apartment.
A journey which normally took me 15 minutes turned into TWO blardy hours of crawling along millions of cars driven by countless other idiots intend on converging on any petrol station they spotted.
Some of them are so stupid that they queued up till 4am!!

See, I was justified to call them stupid idiots. Not bad enough jamming all the roads, some more so stupid to wait till 4am. Gila these people!
If they really do some serious calculations, they will find that they probably wasted more time, money, petrol and energy queuing up for hours just to pump petrol at RM1.92 than the money they seemed to think they had saved by doing this.
Just think lar.
Start of journey: Petrol at half tank
Time started: 5pm
During journey: Petrol down to nearing E
Time: 8pm
At Petrol station: Fill up to full tank
Time: 9pm
Journey back: Petrol plunging down to slightly below full tank
Time: 10pm
Reached home: Petrol is down to only three quarters of the tank
Time: 11pm.
So, just to 'save' say RM10 or RM15, SIX hours was wasted inching along the traffic jam AND more than half tank of petrol was wasted. I seriously do not see how that could save them money.
It all goes back to the same thing because they burnt up more petrol in the queues and jams than putting it in!
Grrrr....some people. Stupid never mind lar but some more caused so much inconvenience to others.
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