
Why a tiger park is such a BAD IDEA

Okay, so the CM is a CAT man through and through but a tiger park?

He is really going overboard with his catty harebrained schemes. Enough already. And his reasons for proposing a tiger park?

1. Eco-tourism
2. to provide a sanctuary for tigers

Okay. Lets look at number one. Eco-tourism. Nobody in their right mind will book a holiday to Penang just because we have a tiger park. It will not draw tourists in in droves. Please be realistic. There are so many tiger parks / zoos in this world, what makes him think tourists will come to Penang just to look at tigers?


Now, let's look at number two.

Dear, dear CM. Please don't be such a child. The only place that tigers belonged are the forests. Not some park where they are ogled at. If you really care so much for tigers, then do something concrete. Like joining with WWF's fight for stricter conservation laws to protect tigers and all endangered animals in their NATURAL HABITAT.

Fight for keeping of tigers to be outlawed.

Fight for laws and enforcement that will stop illegal trade of tigers and tiger parts.

Fight against tigers being exploited in many ways at parks, theme parks, etc just so the owners can make a fast buck.

Fight for tigers' natural habitat to be preserved and conserved.

Fight for tigers to continue to live on in the wild and for our dwindling tiger in the wild population to be doubled.

Placing tigers in a park IS NOT saving the tigers but showing a stamp of approval that it is the right move for people to buy tiger cubs for entertainment and for humans to ogle at behind enclosures.

Placing tigers in a park IS THE SAME AS CAGING THEM. No matter how big an enclosure they are placed, they are still caged and locked up. They are NOT FREE.

Tigers belonged in the wild. PERIOD.

And all his talk of getting some private companies to fund and handle the project, please use your brain and think ahead.

What happens if the company suddenly goes belly-up and could not afford to maintain the tigers? Then what? Let the tigers starve? Sell off the tigers?

Mind you, feeding a single tiger costs RM30,000 a year. And that does not include veterinarian costs and park maintenance costs.

So, this tiger park idea is probably the most harebrained idea our CM has thought up.

Want to save the tigers? Go symbolically adopt one at WWF lar. Much better than placing them in some enclosure of a park.

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