So, the question now is what happens to the Penang Turf Club land? What will happen to the land which was converted by the previous government to allow the developer to build residential properties there?
The land was initially slotted for recreational use and has since been converted for residential and commercial development.
So, will the state government be able to convert the land back to open recreational land?
Don't ask me. I wouldn't know but if you want to know, Penang Heritage Trust is organising a forum to talk about the future of the Penang Turf Club land. Here are the details:
Venue: Dewan Sri Pinang
Time: 9am - noon
Date: Sept 14

would be nice as a people's park. :D
KY: yeah, it would be nice to have more open green spaces but then you know lar, they probably wanna build more houses!
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