Looks like we may have Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as our next Prime Minister with Pakatan Rakyat as our new government if it is true that more than 30 BN MPs are jumping ship as is reported by Malaysiakini (article pasted below).
So, what do we know about Anwar Ibrahim? Well, for one thing, he is a very charismatic leader with excellent English and good public speaking skills as opposed to Mr Mumble-mumble Talk Like Kampung Pakcik Pak Lah.
But who is Anwar Ibrahim essentially? Well, he has a website and blog which I am sure everyone knows. I have found some trivia about him just for the sake of it. He is after all a Penang boy and may possibly become our next Prime Minister! Here it is:
Anwar Ibrahim was born in Cherok Tok Kun on August 10, 1947.
His wife, Datin Seri Wan Azizah is PKR president and Permatang Pauh MP. They have six children, one of whom, Nurul Izzah is the Lembah Pantai MP.
He used to be Deputy Prime Minister between 1993 and 1998 and Finance Minister between 1991 - 1998. He was also Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports in 1983, Minister of Agriculture in 1984, Minister of Education in 1986.
He joined Umno in 1982 and became Umno Youth chief in 1984 and Umno vice president in 1986 which goes to show how good a speaker he is!
Now, comes the interesting part, he is also an ex-convict like our CM Lim Guan Eng but the similarity ends there. Guan Eng was jailed for standing up for a Malay girl and Anwar is for much more serious allegations.
I am sure everyone knows about his alleged homosexual case and corruption case which saw the birth of Parti Keadilan Rakyat almost 10 years ago (1999). He was jailed for 6 years for corruption in 2000 and sentenced to another 9 years for alleged homosexual acts. However, after he completed serving the sentence for corruption (after reduction for good behaviour) he was released in 2004 when the homosexual conviction was overturned by the Federal Court. So, essentially, he had spent 5 years in prison!
Anwar could not actively go back to politics due to his conviction and the last day of the ban is next Monday, Apr 14.
So, he had kept himself busy all this while as the PKR de-facto leader and also lectured at St Anthony's College at Oxford, John Hopkins University and Georgetown University. He was also appointed as the Honorary President of the London based organization AccountAbility in March 2006.
However, all about him is not squeeky clean. Remember the 50 Dalil Kenapa Anwar Tidak Boleh Jadi PM ("50 Reasons Why Anwar Cannot Become Prime Minister")? It contained allegations of Anwar as a homosexual, an adulterer and more importantly, as corrupt as the rest of our dirty politicians. The author died in 2005 and a court found that the book is libelous and awarded Anwar millions in the his suit against the author for publishing the book.
In recent times, in actions that more or less acknowledge the power Anwar had over the people, our PM and others such as Dr Chandra Muzaffar had taken potshots at Anwar no end before, during and even after the elections.
As for ground talk, many people are uncertain over the genuineness of Anwar now. He is after all a former Umno leader. And what about the corruption conviction? Will there be smoke without fire? Or was it really because of Mahathir's way of getting rid of a potential threat to his Prime Ministership?
There were talks that Anwar may present an image of 'I am for all Malaysians' but it was all just a political front to gain confidence of the people. Of course, Umno and BN supporters are slinging mud at him saying his is corrupted and also racist.
While PKR supporters literally worship the ground he walks on.
We will never know if Anwar is still the same Anwar who was the Deputy Prime Minister so many years ago. The imprisonment may have changed him and his perspectives. Or it may not have left a bit of effect on him, which I personally feel is not possible considering the horrid conditions of our jail.
So, the only way we will know for sure is to see if he really do take over the helm and judge his performance then.
As for the homosexual allegations, I couldn't care less. What he does in his spare time is his problem but I do hope the corruption allegations are just allegations with no basis.
We do not need another corrupted Prime Minister.
Article taken from Malaysiakini.com:
Azmin: More than 30 BN MPs ready to jump ship
Beh Lih Yi | Apr 10, 08 2:33pm
Opposition party PKR today claimed it has received “overwhelming” responses from the ruling Barisan Nasional parliamentarians looking to defect to the Anwar Ibrahim-led party.
“It was out of our expectation. We only need 30 more seats, but the response is so overwhelming now, 30 seats are the minimum (we can get),” PKR vice-president Azmin Ali told reporters at the party headquarters in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur today.
Azmin said this when asked on the progress of the negotiation and the number of BN MPs that the oppositions have held talks with. He did not indicate as to which BN-affiliated parties these MPs belong to.
Last Saturday, Azmin was reported to have said the party has already persuaded “close to 30" BN MPs to reject the leadership of its chairperson and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Pressed for more details today, Azmin said PKR will make further announcement at a right time.
“It is Abdullah who is running out of time, we are not, we will announce the details at a right time,” noted Azmin, who is also the Gombak MP and Bukit Antarabangsa state assemblyperson.
Not against people’s interest
He brushed aside suggestions that such defections would be against the voters’ interest as the MPs were elected under the BN banner in the first place.
“We did not offer any money to them (to crossover), what we offered is that their voters will be defended with fairness and justice,” he said.
In the March 8 polls, the ruling BN lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament when its candidates won only 140 seats. Opposition parties PKR, DAP and PAS won the remaining 82 seats.
The three parties - now called the Pakatan Rakyat alliance - also captured four states while PAS retained its control over Kelantan.
Since the elections, PKR is said to have been courting BN MPs, especially in Sabah and Sarawak, in a bid to wrest the required 30 parliamentary seats to form the federal government.
It will be 6 months
Before one can see the changes
Now it is political talking
Digging the holes until BN panic
UMNO is shifting gear
The veterans go out to campaign
Its president must go
This is the ultimatum
Pakatan Rakyat
Its leaders wait and consolidate
Knowing how to woo BN MPs
They aren’t greenhorn at this game
We may see the light
Bursting out into the night sky
Maybe I am dreaming
So many dirt BN deposits
One hole after another
Until there is no place now
If the changes are good
Pakatan Rakyat leaders shouldn’t wait
Come clean with a view to grow the country
And her people to enjoy their labor
In peace and harmony amongst races
Yeah when will the frogs hop in?
I wait for the day happening…………
New Cabinet:
Prime Minister - Anwar
Deputy Prime Minister - Lim Kit Siang
Culture Minister - Farish Noor
Defence Minister -
Education Minister - Nga Kor Ming
Environment Minister - Teresa Kok
Finance Minister - Tony Pua
Foreign Minister - Ramasamy
Health Minister -
Home Minister - Ronnie Liu
Information Minister - Jeff Ooi
Law Minister - Teng Chang Khim
Manpower Minister -
Sports Minister -
Technology Minister -
Trade Minister - Khalid
Transport Minister - Liew Chin Tong
(Penang Chief Minister - Lim Guan Eng)
San, your list looks like a DAP-led government other than Anwar. How are you gonna justified to the Malays? They after all care too much about their race rather than Malaysia!
give anwar a chance and see how selangor performs before passing judgement or handling the entire Malaysia to Pakatan Rakyat :-)
Pakatan Rakyat should CONSOLIDATE first in the FIVE States already in hand! Then it could go for the kill---Federal Government! Of course, BN is in shambles:
) UMNO in internal turmoil; and eitehr Baadwai stays or Tengku Razaleigh takes over; or some dark horse; MCA is reduced to its former self ( an Association ! ),: GERAKAN in in very bad shape, leaderless; MIC lost its dhoti ( the President and his henchmen all lost); PPP might as well close shop!( What is there to talk?
BN is indeed in deep trouble. Will it still be in power by December UMNO elections ? I am not so sure.
PAKATAN RAKYAT is the Party of the FUTURE while BN was the Party of the PAST! One should be spoken in the future tense while the other in the past tense!
But, PR must be careful. If teh eladers become power-crazy, then they will be in trouble!
The Anti-Hopping law will be in force. So, before it becomes the NEW law of Politics, those defectors must jump ship NOW before th door is closed!
I think April 15 may see some drastic developments! Is Badawi strong enough to ACT FAST? Judiciary, Corruption, Justice, ect. A leader must have GUTS and do what he thinks is RIGHT without looking over his shoulder every time he decides. He must also bea good BUTCHER! He must chop off heads, if he wants to SURVIVE himself! Get rid of the rotten eggs!
i for one supports tha pakatan rakyat government if they would come to power,and just hope that the new governtment will be humble, fair and clean and not arrogant like the BN led government.i wish to see that we as malaysians would live as one,Malays, Chinese,Indians and other minority ethnics race, only known as MALAYSIANS.in the past 50years,the rakyat as been divided due to BN mismanagement of power sharing between races, component party such as UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP has infact divided the races more than actually uniting them as MALAYSIANS, leaders of the respective parties are more concern of their position rather than uniting the rakyat. we as malaysians live in this wonderful country should infact learn to tolerate, respect and most importantly share what is gifted to us all, thats peace, wealth and health.
caravanserai: Wah...you must have taken some time to come up with that..
san: I know one for sure confirm - Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng! ;-)
anon 5.14: Aiya, San left some blanks for them to fill in ma..
anon 5.55: yes, everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.
anon 6.23: Wow, such passion. Come April 15, we shall see won't we?
anon 7.33: I totally agree, we are first and foremost Malaysians and nothing else. They should have done away with the racial segregation mentality long ago.
wah hebat anwar! cakap mcm dia sorang je betul...korang ingat dia tuhan ke....mari kita fikir yg suka dok bawak cerita org ni salah sape?yang suka buruk kan org lain ni sape...?mcm la anwar ni perfect sangat.lita kena ingat masa die ada jawatan dulu...apa yang telah die buat?kalau kita bagi la die jawatan.confirm nasib kita sama mcm dulu gak.fikirlah....
ni aku share kejahatan anwar...aku baca dlm blog www.raksasabn.blogspot.com
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