KJ was arrested for corruption
Samy has migrated to India
30 BN MPs have crossed over to the Pakatan Rakyat
The federal government is now under Pakatan Rakyat
Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and PPP no longer exist as all have unified to become one party as Opposition party
All mega projects in the country were reviewed
ISA was abolished
NEP was abolished
Constitution was amended to have 'equal rights for everyone'
Entry to local universities or any government jobs is based on merit and not on quotas
Sanctioned racism no longer exists
Everyone born here is a Malaysian, not Chinese / Malay/ Indian
The Star was closed down for being too biased
NST and the other media were bought over by private corporations and no longer act as mouthpieces of the BN
Too bad it is April Fool's day today and all these are just a dream...
However, if we all stay unified and continue to give the Pakatan Rakyat a chance to prove themselves, then perhaps, in the not so distant future it will come true!

Awww! YOu got me there!
I was looking forward to some drama in Malaysian politics :P
OI'm just listing out the dreams of many Malaysians.I am sure more drama is to come.. ;-)
Well, all ok, but hope the good news above does not lead to the following bad news:
1. 30 frogs who crossed over to the Pakatan Rakyat continue to threaten Govt, which bends over backwards to please the frogs...(like how Sivasubramaniam did in Perak)
2. The Star replaced with the Moon, which is now getting too biased towards Pakatan Rakyat
3. NST and the other media were bought over by private corporations and no longer act as mouthpieces of the BN. Instead, they pamper to PR bigwigs.
However, if we all stay unified and continue to keep Pakatan Rakyat on its toes, then perhaps, the news will stay good.
Anon: Points taken ;-)
At the very least, Pakatan Rakyat will not go the way of the Barisan Nobodies in promoting corruption, cronyism and inefficiency because voters will definitely keep them on their toes!
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