Apparently the acting CPO has said that they may call Lim Guan Eng in for questioning over the alleged seditious report against LGE. (I wrote about the seditious report here)
So, it seems like the police have suddenly become very efficient in investigating cases to the point that they will even call the CM in for questioning for some stupid non-existent allegations!
Meanwhile, snatch thieves roam freely preying on unsuspecting victims, small children get kidnapped in broad daylight in public places, sexual predators are raping women and young girls without being nabbed, the inhuman murderer of Nurin is still free to choose his next victim, the real mastermind behind the sensational murder of a Mongolian model is also free to choose his next victim while his scapegoats sweat in the docks, robberies are being committed every day and others with high political posts in BN gets off scot-free from various criminal offences despite numerous police reports being lodged against them.
WTF??? If this is not double standard I don't know what is! So, it is alright if an Umnoputra commits any crime, including murder, and the police will gladly close not one eye but both eyes. If there was an uproar, they will issue a statement that they had conducted a thorough investigation and the allegations were all erroneous.
And the CM speaking his mind and protecting the rights of every Penangite may be called in for questioning over a piddly, stupid claim that he had said something seditious????
Err...is the sentence:
NEP breeds corruption, cronyism and inefficiency so we will use an open tender policy insteadin any way seditious? Do they even know the meaning of sedition? If we look at the dictionary, this is the meaning of sedition:
se·di·tionSo, which part of the sentence incite discontent or rebellion against the government? Wahh...I didn't know exposing a policy as one of the roots of inefficiency, cronyism and corruption and then introducing a good alternative to it could incite a rebellion!! We must have geniuses in the police force and Umno to think of this!
1. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
2. any action, esp. in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
3. Archaic. rebellious disorder.
Well, CM, again, was very gracious about all this nonsense. He insisted that he did not say anything wrong or seditious (rightly so) and repeated that 'everyone is equal to the law so he will follow the law'.
Now, can you imagine if it was a BN political leader? There would have been so much hue and cry and frantic panicky urgent meetings held with the police to bury it and keep it from the press that nobody would have been the wiser!
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