If you receive such an SMS, delete it and don't even bother reading through it. It is DEFINITELY a scam.
It really amazes me that there are so many stupid people who would willingly part with their hard earned money just because some stranger told them that they have won RM9,000 / RM1mil / USD30,000 whatever the amount through some unknown contest and that they have to pay RM3,000 or RM10,000 or even RM28,000 to claim the grand prize money.
Err...helllloooooo???!! How stupid can you be? Or greedy?? Did I mention stupid? Every other day we will read in the papers that some brainless moron was cheated of between RM500 to tens of thousands due to promises of a large sum of money.
Think la. Where can you find 'kom tai chek kap lar chui kai thiu' (Cantonese for 'such a big frog jumping around the streets')?
Last month, 14 people in Penang parted with RM85,000 just because they received an SMS telling them they have won some contest. Hmmm...I didn't know there are so many stupid people in Penang!
What's the deal anyway? When your children ask you for more pocket money / your parents ask you for some money / some legitimate charitable organisation ask you for some donation, you said no money la, can't afford la, all sorts of excuses.
Then some unknown, faceless stranger send you an SMS, you immediately go bank in money to the person? Where the hell is your common sense or brains, for that matter.
So, there. Now, I feel much better after ranting about it. To all those who lost their money because of SMS scams, serve you blardy well right for not using your brains!
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