So, I am even surprised at myself for the respect I have for Lim Guan Eng over the way he has been handling things so far and more recently, the police investigations into an alleged seditious charge against him over the NEP issue.

Of all the nonsensical rubbish that has been going on, I am not in the least surprised that Umno went ahead and lodged a police report alleging that LGE had uttered seditious words when he announced that there will be an open tender policy and the new administration will not be using the NEP on March 11. No surprises too that the police is suddenly so efficient in investigating it!
And what was LGE's response to this? He did what he has been doing amidst the outcry from the sorelosers aka as shadows. He stood firm to his policies. He will stick to the policy no matter what and he doesn't believe that it is seditious at all.
If that is not commendable at all, then consider his statement (which I got from reliable sources):
"I may be CM but that does not mean I am above the law. I have been in jail before under this same Sedition act and been detained under ISA so I am fully prepared for whatever happens."
Now, this is a man who deserves respect for standing his ground for the benefit of the people. Even if the risk involved means losing everything he have now and being thrown into jail again. He even showed some concern for journalists who had been called in to give their statements regarding the case and seemingly brushed aside the fact that the case was against him. So far, two journalists from the Chinese dailies (who have been very pro-DAP) have been called in by the police.
On top of this, based on conversations I had with those close to him, LGE is one who never forgets those who had helped him in the past. Thus, his concern for the two journalists who were called in to give a statement. They had given him a lot of prominent and positive coverage prior to the elections.
He also remain humble despite being the CM and never forgot the bad times he went through. He was detained in Kamunting under ISA back in 1987 due to Operation Lallang for 18 months. Then in 1994 he was arrested under the Sedition Act and Printing Presses and Publications and was jailed 18 months, all because he defended an underage Malay girl who was sexually exploited by the then MB of Malacca.
I guess it is these stints in jails that had kept him firmly rooted to the ground. Fortunately, it did not scare him into toeing the line. In fact, it made him even stronger and firmer in his own policies which bodes very well for Penang.
After seeing this side of him, I am more than certain that he will be able to lead Penang to greater heights and perhaps be able to retain his seat in the next term and the next. Provided that the shadows aka sorelosers do not cause more furore and try more dirty underhanded tactics to get rid of him.
Those clowns really got nothing better to do hor? Seditious konon. What about those goons who openly demonstrate like the ex-DCM and that azahar fella? Why tak kena?
Hi 5xmom,
Well, that's y people say idle hands breed evil. Those umno-idiots got too much free time mah so go cari pasal la. The police being double standard with BN as boss sure la side them! When they demo, it is ok but others do it, it is wrong.Go figure!
HEAR HEAR!!!! sorelosers is the ONLY term to describe the shadows...
Hi Carmel,
Oh only hope is that they grow up!
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