
Changes on the way...

In order to serve you better (HAH!), this site is changing and will be moving home to its very own domain very, very soon.

Well, actually, honestly, it is not to serve you better but to give me more headaches trying to figure out Wordpress and its plugins and widgets from hell....heheheh...

So, lookout for a brand new Penang Views and News site coming up near you. You can access and read it anywhere, everywhere and anytime as long as you have internet connection!

Oh, you can already do that now...

What's so different, you ask? Err... I dunno la. Been reading around other blogs and some auntie keep harping on how great it is to have own domain and etc and how great her hosting company is that I rushed and immediately signed up with Bryan.

What to do, I am a typical kiasu Penangite mah.

So, due to the pindah rumah, I may not be posting as much entries the next few days because I will be too busy struggling with Wordpress. Besides, all the MPs (including CM) are out of town in Parliament so probably not much going on in the political scene locally...

Remember, keep a lookout for the brand new, shinier website coming up soon!


Choonie, the Guru said...

That auntie must be getting some good commission from Bryan. If not, she will not be that anxious to make you getting one of your own domain. wakakaka....
But I think it is good for you to get your own domain. You are equally good with that auntie. I will be wasting money to get my own domain since my unique visitors are not more than a 100 per day.

Foong said...

choonie: Haiya, fell into their trap! Actually, I've been thinking about it for a while already..just that she helped to push me into action.

WAH! I am so touched liao...u comparing me to that problogging auntie wor...me small kucing kurap only la...if you work at it, I am sure you also can get a lot more visitors!

Choonie, the Guru said...

If you are kucing kurap, the I am a kucing kutu nia. hahahaha...
I like what you write and will support you always. Hope to see your new blog soon.