Shissh...I should have stayed away from the Little Penang Street Market because I wasted about RM60 in a one-hour visit! Crap! Didn't expect to fall victim to the artsy / cutesy / pretty trinkets on display.
Anyway, it was a fun one hour browsing through the stalls selling mostly pretty baubles and sparkly trinkets...err...okay, there were more but these are the ones that caught my attention. Had a couple of unpleasant experiences when I was clicking away on my camera. Luckily I bump into my photographer friend (Adpix Studio) who didn't mind giving me some pictures to be put up here as long as I give the credit to him. So, the credit of the below pictures (most of it, anyway) goes to Adpix Studio.
When I was there, the Cosplay competition was going on with some young fellas dressed up in...err...weird / cute / funny / colourful costumes going up to the makeshift stage to parade. I didn't take any pictures of that because of the huge crowd standing around there and I wasn't in the mood to jostle with them.
To the lady who rudely told me 'No camera' after I had clicked a few of the beautiful colourful magnets on her stall: Well, excuse me! I'm not taking pictures of your ugly face so buzz off. Besides, I had the intention to buy some of the magnets but since you are so rude and totally unfriendly, TOO BAD I decided to buy magnets from other stalls instead!
To the guy who loudly told his father that this photographer is taking pictures of only the products on sale and not the people behind the stalls: Go look in the mirror! You think you are the exact image of Tom Cruise izzit?
And finally to the few nice ladies whom I bought stuffs from, thanks for the friendly and warm service. Be sure that I will be back to waste...err...spend...more money on your stuffs.

just some accidental model..heheheh
Most of his designs are really nice but I can't afford any of it (hint, hint to hubs..).
Makes really nice gifts (look below for a closer look)
Antiques for those keen on collecting ancient things
Finally, I also bought a pair of Swa-watucallit crystal earrings and a handphone strap with a star crystal from the 'Colourful gifts' stall. These two costs me RM36! Unfortunately, my picture of the stall & the stuff I bought didn't turn out properly so I'm not posting it. Anyway, the stall owner is a very nice and friendly person.
They even have an online store so check it out here if you have a hankering for Swa-watucallit costume jewellery and stuffs. Another reason I like this stall so much is because they put the earrings and handphone strap inside a nice pretty muslin pouch each instead of an ugly plastic jewellery box. Really perfect if it's meant as a gift!
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