I would think that by now I will be so used to the crappy shenanigans of the sore-losers Barisan No-brain, and then something like (read the news excerpt below) this crop up. Makes me want to buy a machine gun and just blast those idiots into smithereens. But then again, it is not worth it to be jailed and hanged for those worthless bunch of brainless morons.
The Education Ministry has issued a verbal directive (see, they know it is wrong so they do it without any black and white) to all education departments in five states (no prizes for guessing which ones) to be neutral. By neutral, they meant not involving political leaders in any of their functions.
Okay, if they issued this directive two months ago, I would perfectly understand. In fact, I would applaud it. After all, a school is not the place for any political leader to campaign. But nooooooooo... they had to issue the directive now.
Previously, it is perfectly alright and even encouraged for schools to invite state executive councillors or assemblymen to their functions which range from some colouring competition to prize giving day to sports day. In fact, in the midst of the election campaigns, we can see politicians (mostly the ones in dark blue with the scales) handing out school bags, library books, launching this, officiating that at schools and even giving ceramahs when invited to speak.
Amongst the personalities who were seen in some school function or other includes cabinet ministers and even the prime minister himself. So, where was the directive to be neutral then? These politicians, on the pretext of showing care and concern for the education of our children, were throwing money here there and everywhere to the schools and even organised big ego-boosting (for the politicians, not the schools) cheque presentation ceremonies at the said schools.
One good example is the MCA head Ong Ka Ting and Gerakan acting president Dr Koh Tsu Koon making a beeline to the new Phor Tay school site in Bukit Jambul to visit the construction site and also handover a cheque during the election campaign period. Now, where was the be neutral directive?
Granted, these schools need the funding so of course they welcomed the cheques with open arms even if it meant having to play up to the big egos of those politicians. I don't blame them (the schools, not the sleazebag politicians) a bit. Many Chinese and Tamil schools have been left in the dust while national type schools were continually pumped with money that their classrooms looked nicer than my office. So, of course, they will welcome anybody who wishes to give them funding, whatever their intentions. And some of these schools, as a show of courtesy and gratefulness, invariably invite the same politicians or their representatives to their functions. It is only natural. Tit for tat.
The education ministry does not seem to have any problem with this at all. In the past. Then suddenly, they realised it is not okay at all for politicians to be involved in school functions. What, they are suddenly worried about the negative influence of politicians on the young impressionable minds of our students? Isn't it too late after 50 years of politicians turning schools into their campaign grounds?
The excuse ...'we do not want to offend any party' by state acting education director Ibrahim Mohamad is far from lame. It is an insult to our intelligence. Please, spare us. Which party are you referring to anyway? Any guesses anyone? Oh, ya. Since the directive is only to five states, we all know which party they meant exactly.
Sigh. Those Brainless Nobodies or BN are just plain sore. They lost the states but still want control of one of their more lucrative campaign grounds so they concocted this brilliant directive. What are they teaching the students? That it is alright to be sore losers and perfectly fine to use underhanded tactics to regain control?
If they want to issue such a directive, why not to all schools in the whole of Malaysia? But I guess, as morons go, we should not expect much from them. After all they are the masters of double standards, the gurus of corruption, the kings of sore-losers, the heads of cronyism and the presidents of the stupidity associations.
As a fellow colleague always told me, 'Stupidity can't be cured'. This is a point in case to prove that!
The news on this verbal directive extracted from The Sun:
Schools in 5 states told to be neutral
PENANG (March 26, 2008): Schools in the five states controlled by the opposition coalition have been verbally adviced to take a neutral stance in inviting executive councillors or state assemblyman for official functions.
And this is being interpreted to mean that the schools should refrain from inviting executive councillors or assemblymen from opposition parties, at least until further notice.
Following a statement by Deputy Penang Chief Minister II Prof Dr P. Ramasamy that there were rumours schools were issued verbal instructions not to invite state executive councillors for functions, theSun checked with the Penang education department and confirmed that there was such a move.
Acting state education director Ibrahim Mohamad said schools have been verbally told to take a neutral stand for the time being.
"For now, the ministry has adviced that schools should invite government officials and not anyone from any political parties as we do not want to offend any party," Ibrahim said in a telephone interview.
He said the directive was issued by the department after being advised by the Education Ministry to take a neutral stand.
Ibrahim said he understood that the same directive was issued to education departments in all five states governed by the opposition.
"For now, we have been asked to take this stand until further instructions from the ministry," he said.
Earlier, Ramasamy said State Secretary Datuk Jamaludin Hasan has been asked to investigate whether such a directive existed.
Ramasamy, who is also education committee chairman, said he had heard about verbal directives being issued to schools but there was no written instruction to that effect.
"I heard about this a few days ago when I went to visit a Tamil school which was in a poor condition. However, I did not go into the compound and stayed outside.
"I have not verified this and to be fair, it is not right for me to say anything since we do not know if this is just a rumour. I will give them the benefit of the doubt as it might not be true and we have to clarify this.
"We have asked Jamaludin to check on this and get back to us," Ramasamy said after a press conference chaired by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
He said so far, no official invitations had been extended to the state government by schools. "If they invite us, we are obliged to go and no one should stop schools from inviting us."
When contacted, a school in Petaling Jaya said they had enquired about this but were told to wait for a directive before doing anything.
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